
Meditation for enlightenment

Meditation when done regularly under a proper guide will change your personality positively. You will become a person with more positive vibrations having a positive influence on people around you. People would like to meet you and take your opinion on difficult life issues.
While meditating do not try to look or imagine anything. Meditation is not seeing or feeling anything. Just surrender yourself to yourself. Do not analyse if you start seeing light of auras inner colours, symbols or images. Let them pass-by or continue observing them, no mental analyses.
For refreshers in the beginning take a deep breath and release all your negative feelings and disturbing thoughts while breathing out. Do this for just 2 or 3 minutes.
Then just relax and enjoy inner peace and calmness for as long as you would like.
One sitting should not be more than 1 hour.
Do not expect results in the beginning. You will find a difference in stages of meditation after 3 years, 5 years and 8 years and so on.

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