
The three principal nadis run from the base of the spine to the top of the head and are the Ida on the left, the Sushumna in the centre and the Pingla on the right.
In the Pranic system there are 72000 Nadis, 114 important junction points referred to as chakras. 7 major junction points or Chakras are taken into account in meditation.
Kundalini: Kundalini is the name of a sleeping dormant potential force in the human body and it is situated at the root of the spinal column. In the masculine body it is in the perineum. In the female body its location is at the root of the uterus, in the cervix. This center is known as Mooldhara chakra. However Kundalini is a dormant energy in the causal body.

For online meditation classes contact rs@rarameditations.com

Meditation – Moksha or Liberation

Nadis are the Channels through which Prana of the physical body, the subtle body and casual body are said to flow. With-in this physical framework, the nadis are said to connect at special points of intensity, the chakras. The three principal nadis run from the base of the spine to the head and are the Ida on the left, the Pingla on the right and Sushumna in the centre.
The nadis play a role in yoga as many yogic practices including Shatkarma, mudras and pranayama are intended to open and unblock the nadis. The ultimate aim of some yogic practices is to direct prana into Sushumna nadi specifically enabling kundalini to rise and thus bring about moksha or liberation.

For online meditation classes contact rs@rarameditations.com

Result Oriented Approach in Life

Whenever a person passes instructions in anger, he wastes his time in pouring his temper on the other person, as the other person is just waiting for an opportunity to distance himself from the angry person. For the time being he follows the instructions, for the work in hand, but he will never remember these instructions for future similar tasks.
There is a need to understand a fact, for each one of us is to keep a balance at work and at home. The companies and houses which follows utter friendly approach at work and home will have better results in all spheres of life. You may be a storehouse of knowledge but others can benefit from you only, if you have a friendly approach while sharing your knowledge.

For online meditation for beginners and advanced meditators contact: rs@rarameditations.com

A Living Heaven on Earth

There is a need to understand the fact that we have body, mind and consciousness. Body and mind are basically physical and consciousness is higher-self, or God living in us.
You can transform the mind and enable it to grow. This happens as you connect more and more to your higher self. Meditation is a great technique for that.
The experiences that we have through our senses is physical. Even our thoughts, feelings and emotions are physical in nature.A person is able to enjoy happiness through body, mind, emotions and desires.
Meditation makes us touch that depth of consciousness where everything is blissful. The moment we get familiar with that inner awareness, our all worldly affairs become so stable and perfect that our life becomes a living heaven.

For meditation online please write us at rs@rarameditations.com

State of mind in meditation

The right meditation is when “you are with yourself ‘happy contended, relaxed and joyful’.” When I say yourself it means nobody else in your mind and in your thoughts. The following are the tools:
1. You can focus on your breath mindfully with closed eyes. You can breath slowly, smoothly and deeply in a totally relaxed sitting-position.
2. Breath in through your nose and say Om while breathing out through your mouth. Focus on your breath while breathing in and Om while breathing out.
3. You can say Om in the similar way in your mind in total silence and focus on it in your mind.
4. You can also join our online sessions at your convenience. For that write to us at rs@rarameditations.com

Moksha or Liberation

Nadis are the Channels through which Prana of the physical body, the subtle body and casual body are said to flow. With-in this physical framework, the nadis are said to connect at special points of intensity, the chakras. The three principal nadis run from the base of the spine to the top of head and are the Ida on the left, the Pingla on the right and Sushumna in the centre.
The nadis play a role in yoga as many yogic practices including Shaktkarma, mudras and pranayama are intended to open and unblock the nadis. The ultimate aim of some yogic practices is to direct prana into Sushumna nadi specifically enabling kundalini to rise and thus bring about moksha or liberation.

For online understanding the process of liberation contact rs@rarameditations.com

Higher Awakening in Meditation

You need to practice meditation under a proper guide. The following meditation practices are very much required and useful for higher awakening.
1. Focusing on your breath.
2. Concentration and awareness meditations.
3. Understanding and practising chakras and kundalini charging.
4. Kriya Yoga.
5. There is a need to understand the fact that, it happens in stages. When done properly and systematically, it takes some number of years. There is no need to hurry up the system. The longer the better. Once it happens, it is life time achievement.

You can join our online sessions on meditation. Contact rs@rarameditations.com

Gift of life

The drama of life is happening in full swing. Just watch the events of life as a spectator. Perform your part with full awareness. Be aware about the fact that you are positive and constructive towards your actions. I find people totally unaware about the beauty of life. They are found doing blame games in all the walks of life. They are found rarely happy about their surroundings and the people living around them. The reason is that they have a very narrow approach to life and want everyone to understand their point of view on everything. These people have no place for others’ point of view. There is a need for these people to free themselves from their shortcomings and grow from within. The wonderful tool for that is meditation and self-realisation.
By following systematically various techniques of meditation you will have a total different outlook towards life. The mind becomes stable and complete in itself and stops working for nothing. Eyes and ears will see and hear the life in its real perspective. There is complete silence and bliss everywhere. The mind is so balanced and cheerful and sees the wonderful world as a great gift to all the living beings. His approach to give this gift of life to as many people as possible starts.
Rajinder Singh Rara Meditations
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Inner Awakening

Are you awake? Very few people are awake to the surroundings and watching the drama of life wakefully.
Wake full awareness happens when you are awake from inside. Meditation is a great source for your inner awakening. The day you wake up, life totally changes for you for good.
The life becomes a living heaven for you with one foot in heaven and the other foot on earth. Meaning material success with spiritual fulfilment.
The day you find a living heaven, you will create heaven wherever you go, while living on this planet or after life. That is the mystery of life, only who have experienced it knows. All doors to all the mysteries of life, and after life get opened.
Get up and look for a guide for meditation and inner awakening. Each day is precious, don’t lose it.
You can also join our online courses at your convenience.


Meditation for enlightenment

Meditation when done regularly under a proper guide will change your personality positively. You will become a person with more positive vibrations having a positive influence on people around you. People would like to meet you and take your opinion on difficult life issues.
While meditating do not try to look or imagine anything. Meditation is not seeing or feeling anything. Just surrender yourself to yourself. Do not analyse if you start seeing light of auras inner colours, symbols or images. Let them pass-by or continue observing them, no mental analyses.
For refreshers in the beginning take a deep breath and release all your negative feelings and disturbing thoughts while breathing out. Do this for just 2 or 3 minutes.
Then just relax and enjoy inner peace and calmness for as long as you would like.
One sitting should not be more than 1 hour.
Do not expect results in the beginning. You will find a difference in stages of meditation after 3 years, 5 years and 8 years and so on.
