Breathing Technique for Inner Purification : For stress or pain release

  1. Sit comfortably on a chair or Sukhasana. Keep your hands in your lap. Close your eyes.
  2. Breath slowly and gradually. Imagine you are relaxing in front of an ocean.
  3. Imagine you are releasing all of your body’s discomfort to the ocean as you exhale to the imaginary ocean. (2 minutes).
  4. Continue the slow breathing and release all your negative feelings and disturbing thoughts to the imaginary ocean while exhaling (2 minutes). 
  5. Relax and enjoy the inner peace and calmness for as long as you would like.

This is a very good technique for slowing down your heart and breathing rates and helps to normalize your blood pressure.

Khichari Mudra

The Khichari mudra is done by curling your tongue to the palate of your mouth. Khichari Mudra is performed during meditation and in most of the breathing techniques. It has following four purposes:

  1. This mudra will result in powerful meditation and awakening of the internal forces for inner power development.
  2. There are many energy pressure points and glands that are massaged and switched on at the back cavity of the palate.
  3. There is a fluid secretion in the mouth which is considered as elixir or meditators nectar for rejuvenation.
  4. This mudra will result in supply of saliva to the throat while rapid breathing technique is being done. Rapid breathing can dry out the nose and throat.

Unmani Mudra

This practice enables the practitioner to focus away from the disturbances, that is, the attitude of mental chattering. This can be done as follows:

  1. Keep your eyes open. 
  2. Place a small point of attention in front of you for focusing your gaze. 
  3. Continue focusing on the point. Breath gently and slowly. Ensure that your mind is focused and does not wander.
  4. As you breath slowly and gradually start closing your eyes lids until they are more than half-closed.    
  5. Now transform the concentration into a gazing look. You will continue gazing at the spot until you are mindless and just aware.
  6. After some time you will find that you  are lost and just aware of the spot and finally you merge with it. By doing so you become one beyond the mind state of consciousness. This can be done for 5 to 10 minutes. 

Agochari Mudra

Agochari Mudra or Nose Tip Gazing Mudra: 

The Meditator is required to gaze at the nose-tip with complete awareness on breathing, postures and hand mudras. This technique induces the divine light to descend through the crown and down the chakras to awaken the kundalini.

The meditator is required to focus on three things: the nose-tip, the navel center and the breath. This is very useful way to help the meditator to be absorbed into one pointed awareness.

This also helps the meditator for Mindfulness and awareness Meditation.