The Anjali mudra higher forms:
i) Forehead Level: It awakens the meditator’s mind, by mental salutation to the spiritual Guru or God.
ii) At the Crown Center: As a salutation to a higher Divine Source. It also awakens Crown Chakra and Kundalini energy moving upward.
ii) At the Egoic Center or Higher: The Anjali mudra is placed above the crown chakra at the ego center or higher (full arm stretch). This is used to salute the omnipresent God, the creator of the Universe.
Monthly Archives: December 2018
Anjali Mudra
The Anjali Mudra is used for prayer or for meditation. Both the hands are held together at the centre of the chest at heart level. This mudra activates heart chakra, uplifts the consciousness and connects the personality to God or to whomsoever we are praying like a Guru or Enlightened personality.
Tripple Finger Mudra
This mudra requires to join the tips of thumb, index and middle fingers and the ring finger and little finger are folded in, touching the palm. This mudra balances the upper and lower chakras. This mudra has a more grounding effect.
Middle Finger-Thumb Mudra
This mudra activates the lower chakras more as compared to the upper chakras. This mudra also awakens the kundalini more as compared to the Divine light. Practitioners who are materialistic and objective and cannot leave their body during meditation, should minimise using this mudra. Use the index and thumb mudra instead.
Vitarka Mudra
Connect the index finger and thumb at the tips and have other fingers slightly stretched. The right hand facing front and pointing upward at the shoulder level. The left hand facing front pointing downward at hip the level. This mudra is used for spiritual blessings by more advanced teacher for more number of people.
Chinmaya Mudra
The thumb is connected with index finger and other fingers are folded to touch the palm. This has a more grounding effect and the energy connected to respiratory functions is stimulated more. The hands are placed on top of the knees or lap during meditation.
Chin Mudra
Chin Mudra: Index finger thumb connection with palms facing upwards on the knees: This mudra is used during meditation. This is very useful to abstract your senses to higher level.